Don't risk it, just do it

“To succeed, you have to take a risk. Get out of your comfort zone,” I heard or read in more than one place, can’t remember. Hey! It is true, you have to go out of your comfort zone but never risk it; rather do it. That sounds weird? Of course, I know. The word risk always scares us, but the word DO doesn’t, we rather procrastinate.

To attain anything in life, you have to do things you are not really comfortable with. Nothing different is attained with same. What is expected is always the result. There is nothing intriguing as an adventure; it is full of surprises. Doing things, you have never done before is like an adventure, it enables you for a lot and great surprises.

This is not a book theory, it is rather an excerpt from my life and that of others I have studied. But let me really warn you again, never risk anything; consider it as something you are doing. Expect something different from planned.

Recently, I had to resume an internship I applied for, in a state virtually didn’t know anybody! A town I could say I haven’t really been to. I did set out for resumption – don’t call it a risk, even though I don’t have a place to sleep after closing for the day. I just did it. I lost my cell phone on my way; did I felt bad? Yes. Does it affect my mood at resumption, No. At least no one could know such happened to me except if I tell them. I mean this is my main phone.

I was able to manage because I am prepared for the adventure. I didn’t risk it. When you risk, you expect either of two things: bad and good. But when you just do it, like an adventure, you expect a mixture of the two; good and bad.

And that is life. Life is not either A or B. it is rather a mixture of A and B. Always go for that thing you truly felt calling out to you. Never think it a risk, consider it an adventure. Expect the two sides of the coin. That is the best way to play the game.


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