In neurology research, addicts were discovered to trigger the reward center everytime they take their hard drugs. It's the pleasure derived from taking the drugs and not the drug itself that is responsible for the continuous intake. Any pleasurable event triggers release of dopamine, therefore, increase in dopamine level in the brain; and this accounts for their hyperactivity.

To be courageous and persistent with your talent-you must be an addict. An addict not of drugs but of your talent. When you perform or in use of your talent, there must be an increase in your dopamine level. Note this: Your pleasure must be derived from performing or using your talent and not in the talent itself. Love what you are doing no matter what.

No matter what the environment presents; no matter how you feel when criticised; no matter how you feel when rejected; no matter ......................  (fill in the gap if you are in flow). Make a list of no matters as heading, list as much as possible. Place where you can see everyday. Check and say to yourself whenever you encounter one of the no matters '' I am an addict, and you can't stop me from reaching my goal. You are  a hurdle I don't need to jump but trod on''.

Talent is not necessarily singing, writing and the popular. Your current profession might be your talent. Funny isn't it? 'I am a student.' You can display your talent by being the best in your class. All you need is in you. Make reading a talent and become an addict. You've discovered your life purpose? Make it a talent and become an addict.

It is not bad to be an addict thou. Hey! I don't mean of drugs.


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