
Showing posts from 2016

My 21st Century: A Century Producing babes instead of Leaders by Ogunnubi Oluwasoga Daniel

Who would lend me ears? Who will listen to my Lamentation? The 18th century produced researchers The 19th century produced Gurus The 20th century produced Writers I smell our century producing BABIES My 21st century where many have Handset but few have mindset My 21st Century where many prefer side talk to “mind talk” My 21st century where many stream but few Dream My 21st century culture ruptures but pictures are nurtured My 21st century where many pings but few think When will we realize? Our Fathers had a remarkable century Our fathers were Ingenious What will the next century say about us? “No more Einstein?”   “No more Aristotle? Who will wake us up?Can’t we see; we will stumble! Let’s all wake up and work up to set about a new record setting apart distractions and setting up a PROMINENT CENTURY. Why not drop the flop and shop for the top! Let's stop being the babies we are and start metamorphosing the Leader we are meant to be.


Gender equality is like a log being tried to balance on a pin - the best description of how our society treats ladies compare to men. Gender equality appears as battle with no 'very soon' possibility of winning. It makes me sad when I hear the female being referred to as 'the endangered specie'. Our society taught us that men are stronger, wiser and helpful, not because of any obvious reason(s) but because of beliefs like women are too emotional and less rational. And the same society has forgotten that the reason why a man is less emotional is because he  was made to believe such. As a man, he shouldn’t cry and show emotions, he is expected to carry all the weight and forge ahead like nothing is happening, and this does nothing but build up frustration in a man, because, piling up issues doesn’t help. At the end of the day, the women are more emotional because they let their feelings out the moment they get them. Should we go down to gender difference? A woman go

Things that can not be taught

It is funny that I can not stop laughing at myself for the ning-nong idiosycrasy I participate in. There are things we try to learn and others we strive to unlearn. Moreover, in spite of our failure, we continue fighting this losing battle. Let me ask you the following questions, be sincere with your answers: 1) Who taught you how to be happy? 2) What is his name, who told you when to be sad? 3) Can you remember her face, who told you there is nothing pleasurable as being in love; killing like being betrayed and ditched? 4) Do you remember their address, those who taught you how to cry? 5) Who his teacher was, he who taught you good and bad? Doubt anyone can have an answer except 'NO' to any of the above questions. None of these were learned: Happiness, Sorrow, Sadness, Love, Passion, Hatred and Desire - why try to unlearn what you did not learn - trying to fix what was not spoilt. They are innate! Everything is in you, like the application on your phone; you do

How to Generate, Safeguard and build your Ideas

Things to know about ideas: --Ideas cannot be acquired, they can only be conceived. --Ideas cannot be shared, they can only be built together. --Nobody cares about your idea, everyone only cares about the fruit of your idea. --Idea is not a dream, a dream is not an idea. --Idea is a measure of dream. Dreams are valued with ideas. It is a road/path to dream, mostly untiled. --The world is filled with dreams but ideas rule the world. --No sole idea can be executed. --Ideas never come to an idle man but they come when you are idle. --Like pregnancy, no idea is conceived and birth the same day. Types/Stages of Ideas For a start, we will consider this section as TYPES OF IDEAS. At the end of this course you would have been convinced to consider this section has STAGES OF IDEAS. There are generally two types/stages of ideas depending on your insightful glasses focal power at present. And as promised earlier, you will be more than convinced at the end of this course to consi


Trivalenceaskme began on WhatsApp before the birth of its blog. To everyone willing to participate in our upcoming WhatsApp seminar, or will like to join other TivalenceAskMe family; share ideas, get free counselling and enjoy numerous daily quotes to  fire you up through the day, great motivational write-ups-simply text 'INTERESTED'  to +2348129776827 to be registered on the group. Topic: HOW TO GENERATE, SAFEGUARD AND BUILD YOUR IDEAS. Date: 5TH OF NOVEMBER, 2016. Time: 8PM PROMPT. Facilitator: TRIVALENCE. Text 'INTERESTED' to +2348129776027(only on WhatsApp ).


It is with great concern for myself and others in same peril that I write this. I have always wonder WHY and WHEN all these so-called education pursuance will be belayed. We learn everyday. It however occurred to me, it is something nobody can stop except the life in us. Meaning if you want to stop learning, you have to die! After tertiary education, 'What Next?' Is the most echoed question from most of my classmates we graduated together. A thought popped up in my mind, 'when shall this end'. Everytime you see people rejoicing for the completion of a stage task, they are always worried about the future afterward. Right from when we were young, although we were less concerned about our promotion then in our Nursery classes, our parents were worried. We caught the flu when we finished our Primary education. Now the worry of passing Secondary (high) school entrance examination. It does not stopped there, we finished secondary (high) school education and the ghost retu


I attended this seminar last year. And I will like to share my jotting in one of the sections. It was a jotting from the section on ''How to ACE your interview''. Surprisingly, it was delivered by a baker-a baker in a well tailored suit-knew bakers only in their apron (just joking anyway) and he titled it ''Tips for a successful job interview'' . FROM MY JOTTING: Job interview is not necessarily about sitting on the 'hot seat' seeking for a job. It can happen anywhere, anytime. Job changes but interview never change. All jobs interviews are the same. TIPS FOR A SUCCESSFUL JOB INTERVIEW ==> First Impression Count: - Greet your interviewer with a smile.  - Give eye contact. - Sell yourself before anything else. Appear bold  and confident but not arrogant. ==> Go in prepared: - Take time to prepare.   - Re-read your CV and the job advert before the interview.   - Do your research thoroughly: check what the company deals in; you can


* A strong man is he who can live without what he can not live without.--Trivalence * The successful men are those who took advantage of both their fortunes and misfortunes.--Trivalence * You can never change your behaviour unless you change how you think.--Trivalence * Big people have big dreams and small people have small dreams. If you want to change who you are, begin by changing the size of your dreams.--Robert Kiyosaki * What distinguishes determination and zeal is concentration of zeal.--Trivalence * De  javu is the sole key to leadership.--Trivalence * Being broke is temporary-being poor is eternal.--Robert Kiyosaki * Success is about making your life a specila version of unique that fits who you are-not what people want you to be.--Mark Cuban * Never retreat until you get to the street you desire.--Trivalence * There is no regret sweet as forgiveness. The only people you should get even with are those who have helped you.--John Mason * A burial ceremony is


The first solution to any problem is to know there is problem. If the first solution is not found, even the omnipotent (God) cannot intervene to help you solve the problem. It’s not about underrating God, you know for you to ask for forgiveness you need to be convicted of your sin. I am not discarding the fact that some people do say insincere sorry. When I was a little boy, I and my siblings always eat together and share the meat or fish we were given among ourselves. There was a day our grandma came around and after the meat has been shared and it was my turn to pick, I stretched my upperlimb to pick the fish adjacent me, but I was scolded by grandma. She told me whenever I am to pick anything I must the one in front of me, no matter its size. I couldn’t cry because you need to see the size of the meet in front of me compared to the one adjacent me. But since then I have adopted this philosophy I called ‘Grandma meat philosophy’. Many of us would have had this kind of encounter if


In neurology research, addicts were discovered to trigger the reward center everytime they take their hard drugs. It's the pleasure derived from taking the drugs and not the drug itself that is responsible for the continuous intake. Any pleasurable event triggers release of dopamin e , therefore, increase in dopamine level in the brain; and this accounts for their hyperactivity. To be courageous and persistent with your talent-you must be an addict. An addict not of drugs but of your talent. When you perform or in use of your talent, there must be an increase in your dopamine level. Note this: Your pleasure must be derived from performing or using your talent and not in the talent itself. Love what you are doing no matter what. No matter what the environment presents; no matter how you feel when criticised; no matter how you feel when rejected; no matter ......................  (fill in the gap if you are in flow). Make a list of no matters as heading, list as much as possible. P


SLAVE NUNBER ONE His name is leader, Not because he is tyrant; But others are to imitate him. Not the best But the better at the time of his appointment, He is not better forever- Even if he is, He is the slave number one.


PERSISTED PROPHECY Prophecy is a nation, destiny rules it You can dream of ruling a nation But realisation of your dream is the destiny. Many confuse success and destiny to be different But they are interwoven, even the same, Failure is not destiny It's another realm of its own You can be prophesy to be rich But if you don't live up the destiny, You will end up in the realm of failure. I am prophesied to be a great doctor Even though I have many hurdles ahead, And hills to climb Have made up my mind to live my destiny Understanding the difference between determination and Persistence Only persistent people,  have their desired result; A wood feller who is not persistent , Can never fell a log- A digger who is not persistent, Can never dig a feet. I don't believe in the rule of survival of the fittest, But the success of the persistent. Persist your prophecy And you will have a successful destiny.


Many of us have been caught in this dilemma; even most of us are still striving to get out of it while only few of us have been able to overcome it. Everybody wants to be a million things in a lifetime that reads each day-phobics of thousand things. Most people in this dilemma are multi talented, some can learn anything, few are evil wishers. Evil wish is when you wish for something with an almost zero probability of happening. Multi talented people are always confused of which vocation to undertake.  They love this and good at that. The duration dedicated to practising this is also dedicated to practising the other.  They are confused of which to choose-this is when purpose is not clear. Folks who can learn anything are even more confused than the multi talented but their's can be easily resolved. They just simply need to control their vested interest. They can learn to lead a large company in 6 months without prior experience. You might question how is that possible or how did


Everybody wants to be heard of. All want to blow the trumpet to be heard of but few get to find the trumpet. Of the few who found it, some are scared to blow it for the fear of their neighbour(s) complain of noise. Some scared of the myth if you blow a trumpet you will have a blown cheek. Others are scared of not blowing a palatable sound. Only few of this few are ready to blow the trumpet with no fear of none of that begotten by others. They did and are heard of. They are fearless, some are even criticised for blowing noise in place of sound but they never stop-they were later applauded for the fine tune they blow; which was considered noise before. All human beings are trumpeters but only few find their own tune. Most are blowing other people's tune and as it is known that you can never own a house by helping someone to lay his house bricks; you only own one when you build yours(or buy). People appreciate tunes(music) based on two things: Its distinction and its meaningfulness