* A strong man is he who can live without what he can not live without.--Trivalence
* The successful men are those who took advantage of both their fortunes and misfortunes.--Trivalence
* You can never change your behaviour unless you change how you think.--Trivalence
* Big people have big dreams and small people have small dreams. If you want to change who you are, begin by changing the size of your dreams.--Robert Kiyosaki
* What distinguishes determination and zeal is concentration of zeal.--Trivalence
* De  javu is the sole key to leadership.--Trivalence
* Being broke is temporary-being poor is eternal.--Robert Kiyosaki
* Success is about making your life a specila version of unique that fits who you are-not what people want you to be.--Mark Cuban
* Never retreat until you get to the street you desire.--Trivalence
* There is no regret sweet as forgiveness. The only people you should get even with are those who have helped you.--John Mason
* A burial ceremony is worthful than a naming ceremony; your parent reputation determines the population and kind of people present; your reputation determines that of burial ceremony.--Trivalence
* Judge me by my face and I tell you if you had been an examiner everyone will be an examiner.--Trivalence
* We don't make mistake, we only see a reason to be more invulnerable to err.--Trivalence
* Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you area good person is like expecting a bull not to attack you because you are a vegetarian.--Dennis Wholey
* Life is not about who you are but what you make of 'WHO' - you are!--Trivalence
* Unfortunately, the average person's life consist of parents asking where he or she is going , forty years of having a spouse asking same question , and at the end, the mourners wondering the same.--John Mason
* There is never a quandary situation only that you discard all available options or thoughts because your main choice/motive is not available.--Trivalence
* If you don't start you can never begin.--Trivalence
* Opportunity is a haunty goddess who wastes no time with those who are unprepared.--George S. Clason
* You can only tell the story of your failure when you are successful.--Trivalence
* You can't be successful with other people if you have not paid the price of success with yourself.--Steve Covey
* The only way to safeguard yourself against flatterers is by letting people understand that you are not offended by the truth; but if everybody can speak the truth to you then you lose respect.--Machiavelli
* No mortal can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, he chatters with his fingertips.--Freud
* Character is who you are in the darkness.--Pamela Meyer
* There is no transplant of conscience except its change.--Anonymous
* When we do what we are not wired to do, the best we can do is our second best.--Anonymous
* How far you will shoot is a measure of how far your target is.--Joshua Owolabi
* Never be too proud of who you are and position you hold because after the game of chess, the kings and pawns are tossed into the same box.--Anonymous
* A parrot talks much but flies little.--Bill Newman
* The best way to be better our lot is to do a lot better.--Bill Newman
* The secret of happiness is not doing what one likes, but in liking what one has to do--King George 5
* Never be proud because you own a bread, remember someone owns a bakery.--Anonymous
* There is no joy in victory without running the risk of defeat.--Bill Newman 
* There is a wheel on which the affairs of men revolves and its mechanism is such that it prevents any man from being always fortunate.--Croesus
* Some people are bad spellers, they spell ''service'' as ''serve-us''.--Bill Newman


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