
Showing posts from August, 2016


The first solution to any problem is to know there is problem. If the first solution is not found, even the omnipotent (God) cannot intervene to help you solve the problem. It’s not about underrating God, you know for you to ask for forgiveness you need to be convicted of your sin. I am not discarding the fact that some people do say insincere sorry. When I was a little boy, I and my siblings always eat together and share the meat or fish we were given among ourselves. There was a day our grandma came around and after the meat has been shared and it was my turn to pick, I stretched my upperlimb to pick the fish adjacent me, but I was scolded by grandma. She told me whenever I am to pick anything I must the one in front of me, no matter its size. I couldn’t cry because you need to see the size of the meet in front of me compared to the one adjacent me. But since then I have adopted this philosophy I called ‘Grandma meat philosophy’. Many of us would have had this kind of encounter if


In neurology research, addicts were discovered to trigger the reward center everytime they take their hard drugs. It's the pleasure derived from taking the drugs and not the drug itself that is responsible for the continuous intake. Any pleasurable event triggers release of dopamin e , therefore, increase in dopamine level in the brain; and this accounts for their hyperactivity. To be courageous and persistent with your talent-you must be an addict. An addict not of drugs but of your talent. When you perform or in use of your talent, there must be an increase in your dopamine level. Note this: Your pleasure must be derived from performing or using your talent and not in the talent itself. Love what you are doing no matter what. No matter what the environment presents; no matter how you feel when criticised; no matter how you feel when rejected; no matter ......................  (fill in the gap if you are in flow). Make a list of no matters as heading, list as much as possible. P


SLAVE NUNBER ONE His name is leader, Not because he is tyrant; But others are to imitate him. Not the best But the better at the time of his appointment, He is not better forever- Even if he is, He is the slave number one.


PERSISTED PROPHECY Prophecy is a nation, destiny rules it You can dream of ruling a nation But realisation of your dream is the destiny. Many confuse success and destiny to be different But they are interwoven, even the same, Failure is not destiny It's another realm of its own You can be prophesy to be rich But if you don't live up the destiny, You will end up in the realm of failure. I am prophesied to be a great doctor Even though I have many hurdles ahead, And hills to climb Have made up my mind to live my destiny Understanding the difference between determination and Persistence Only persistent people,  have their desired result; A wood feller who is not persistent , Can never fell a log- A digger who is not persistent, Can never dig a feet. I don't believe in the rule of survival of the fittest, But the success of the persistent. Persist your prophecy And you will have a successful destiny.