Hibernation and Active State

To hibernate simply means to be inactive for some period of time due to certain factors.
In life, to succeed you must learn to hibernate; not just to hibernate but know when to. A fish never hibernates in the raining season - mud fish know the dry season is the right time to get deep into the mud to hibernate.

Whenever you generate a great idea you would like to execute, don't dash straight to its execution; get hibernated. At this time, even your friends might think you are unserious. But this is the time for you to strategize.

One of my mentors Mark Cuban illustrated one of this hibernation scenario ''...Nothing  but  the  best  as  I prepared  for  my journey into  entrepreneurial  territory  again. I  could  say I was  preoccupied  with how  to  get  my new business  off  the  ground,  that  while  my friends  got  drunk,  did stupid  tourist  tricks  and  ate  at  greasy spoons,  I sat  by the pool  on the  one  chaise  longue  chair  with rust  on the  clean side  and  wrote  up  my business  plan.  I didn’t.  I got  just  as drunk  and  ate  the  same  disgusting  food.  Then we  faced  the road-trip  terror  that  everyone  knows  exists,  but  refuses  to admit—the ride home. It wasn’t until we pulled  up  to  the apartment  that  it  hit  me.  No  job.  No  money.  No  way to  pay the bills.  But  I did  have  nice  towels. Fortunately  the  hangover  didn’t  last  too  long,  and  I realized  I had  to  get  off  my ass  and  make  something  happen. First day,  first  task:  Come  up  with a  name.  This  was  the  start  of the  microcomputer  revolution,  and  I wanted  a  name  that said what the company was going to do, which was sell personal  computers  and  software  and  help  companies  and individuals install them.  I was  going  to  offer  microcomputer solutions.  So,  after  struggling  with  different  names  for  about thirty  minutes,  I chose  MicroSolutions,  Inc.''

During this time, he had no job, no money! He went into hibernation and came out triumphantly.

Forget your worries for now. Get into hibernation to discover how to really jump the hurdle ahead of you. Ranting will not solve your problem, begging for help will not either, working or doing what you don't love will make things worse. Get hibernated, think, come up with something great and astounding.

As I wrote in my Ebook titled IDEA ''Ideas never come to an idle man but they come to you when you are idle.''

After hibernation, then action! Hibernation is useless when you don't take action. You need to understand and take leverage of momentum. Follow your gut, make use of valuable information.
Take action to become the actor of your life dream.

Learn the power and use of hibernation and action.

You are not lazy when you hibernate and you are not stupid when you take action; only beware of miscalculation. And even when you miscalculate, there is a word called RETRY. Retry. Always take up the role of the mythology bird PHOENIX.
Only you can express the greatness within you.


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